Internal Selfie

Internal Selfie

In a way, humans were taking internal selfies in meditation for thousands of years.

We take selfies of how our faces look outside but have you ever took an internal selfie of what is going on inside your body and your mind right now? What thoughts and emotions are driving my current behavior? How do I feel about myself? Am I nervous or calm? Am I focused or distracted? Do I feel tired or full of energy?

Simply Noticing

Simply notice. Be free of judgments of all different Appearances (how do I look, …), Thoughts (I wonder, I think, …), and Emotions and Feelings (I’m having fun, I’m depressed) that your internal selfie will reveal.

  1. What are my thoughts?
  2. What are my emotions?
  3. What are my feelings?

Try to take this selfie before the meditation and also after it. Notice how the follow-up selfie was different from the first one. 

Creating positive feedback

This way, you can notice what effects the meditation had on you. In this way, you can create positive feedback that can affect desired change, cultivating your mind, or meditating or calming your body. In another way, it will be easier to meditate the more you do it because you will just notice the benefits for yourself.

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